Story of My Life
Like shit?
Monday, July 11, 2011 | 8:59 PM | 0 comments
Tiba-tiba ingat mesej semalam :(

C : woi wany , aq nk tnya ny??
Wany : ya , apa ?
C : ang dah break ngn farid ka??
Wany : Ya , npa ?
C : xpa.. awat ang break nan dia??
Wany : Adalaa , hal pribadi :)
C : owh, ag mawa xlaw farid ad skndle dlam d!am2...
Wany : Haha , ta pum . npa ? Dea ada skndle kha wehh ?
C : ad mmg ad p0wn ? npew jel0uze kerw..?? kwn cyunku..
Wany : Hee , ta lha . Dea skandle ngn cp weyy ?
C : ad larhHh... hAl pr!bAdi !!
Wany : Laa , gtao rr , aq pum nk tao gak ..
C : ag cri sndri lha . nnti ag taw gak ...
Wany : Hm , aq tatao lha , aq mn rpatt sgad ngn geng-2 kolah ampa --'
C : urm ... xpa lha, xyah taw lha wani ... werh, wrdn aq mai ni . aq nk tdo . nnt ada ape2 aq mcg ag ... bye.

sakitnya hati neyh bila baca pmpuan tu hantar msg :'( apa yang depa nak........

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Saya hanyalah seorang ciptaan yang berwujud manusia namun tidak sempurna seperti pencipta nya "ALLAH". Tidak pernah menunjuk kelemahan diri dihadapan orang, sentiasa bersabar. Keep calm & smile! Kebahagiaan pasti akan datang juga :)

My Wish
Stop waiting for something to happen in my life, go out and make it happen before its to late. I'll not be a negative thinking, hope I can be strong. I wish can make people around me happy and proud of what I do. Always appreciate the people around me :)