Story of My Life
Saturday, March 9, 2013 | 2:28 PM | 0 comments
Harini hari paling bahagia bagi aku.. walaupun hampa taktau apa yang aku rasa selama nie, hampa dah buat aku bertambah semangat! Harini aku boleh tersenyum lebar, boleh ketawa besar.  Hampa banyak luang masa dengan aku harini, thanks a lot my dear friends :')

You are with me today.
You are here are in my mind, in my heart ❤ Iloveyou :*

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Saya hanyalah seorang ciptaan yang berwujud manusia namun tidak sempurna seperti pencipta nya "ALLAH". Tidak pernah menunjuk kelemahan diri dihadapan orang, sentiasa bersabar. Keep calm & smile! Kebahagiaan pasti akan datang juga :)

My Wish
Stop waiting for something to happen in my life, go out and make it happen before its to late. I'll not be a negative thinking, hope I can be strong. I wish can make people around me happy and proud of what I do. Always appreciate the people around me :)